What’s Right With You Today?

Excellent breakfast, got to the halfway mark of tiling the basement (half the battle is meticulously laying out the pattern before we even mix the mortar…so time consuming) my attempts to train my cat to massage (knead) my sore legs is progressing nicely and I managed to knock almost $40 off my grocery bill using coupons.

What’s right with YOU today?

What Are You Thankful For Today?

Eating food I look forward to all year, the pumpkin cheesecake I made turned out well, the freedom to nap after eating, my support network, gainful employment, owning a home with lots of equity and the warmth of a napping cat on my lap.

What are YOU thankful for today?

What Do You Love Today?

Sleep, the blissful restorative nature of sleep, getting to sleep for an extra hour because I was working from home, knowing I can nap if I need to and that moment when I’ll be able to tuck myself back into bed tonight to…you guessed it…SLEEP!

What do YOU love today?